09 September 2005


Over 40 jaar gaan we nostalgisch terugdenken aan die fantastische sfeervolle Arena.

In 2044 verhuist Nokia Ajax Amsterdam ® (één van de filialen van Emirates Airlines Chelsea ®), uitkomend in de Dommelsch Ice Competitie ® van de Koninklijke Philips Voetbalbond ®, naar de nieuwe ABN-AMRO-ING-Fortis Dome ® in Stadsdeel Lelystad-Zuid ® van de Nuon-gemeente Amstermere-LelYburg Powered By Mora ®.
Seizoenkaarten worden niet meer verkocht. Wel kan je een Delta Lloyd Match'n'Entertainment Pack ® inclusief Adidas UEFA Pass ® winnen bij aankoop van een Sony Playstation Supporters Shirt Replica ® of McDonalds Low-Cal Happy-Kids Sports Meal ®.

Om de spelers, met name onze Fuji Defender-of-the-Month ®, te beschermen tegen herkenning door wraakzuchtige hooligans (powered by Bayer-Roche Pharmaceuticals International ®) uit de Douwe Egberts-Deelgemeente Rijnmond-Maasvallei ® wordt het Tuincentrum Osdorp Multifunctional FiberField ® afgeschermd met een ondoorzichtig Heras Stadium Security Screen ® waarop de vooraf opgenomen Umbro Match ®, om de 8 minuten onderbroken door Amazing Amazon Offers ®, wordt geprojecteerd, waarbij de gezichten onherkenbaar zijn gemaakt met Symantic Personal Protection Imaging ® en alle namen om privacyredenen gefingeerd.

Voor het authentieke stadiongevoel ga je naar Free Record Shop ®, waar je de Arcade Song-and-Cheer Simulation Disk ® (Special Edition) kan kopen die je in de Dome afspeelt op je Personal Nintendo Home Stadium Entertainment Console ®.

666, Ajaxlogo op de tribunestopic

12 February 2005

What really happened...

The Ajax family fielded two teams in the Trojan War. Ajax The Great and Little Ajax. Kinda like Ajax 1 and Ajax 2 in the Amstel Cup. Both of them were braindead hooligans.

Ajax I

Son of Telamon, King of Salamis, Ajax The Great was slow of thought but quick in battle. After leading the team that kicked the enemies ass at the away game in Troy (1220 BC), General Ajax claimed the weapons of the late Achilles. However, that didn't go down well with the rest of the squad, who decided to hand the merchandise to Odysseus instead.
The utterly frustrated Ajax, never a good sport, took out his sword to kill his team mates (like Mido with the scissors), but after being blinded by the Goddess Athena he chopped up a herd of sheep and their shepherds into souvlaki instead. Struck with shame, our unfortunate hero committed harakiri by flinging himself onto the sword given to him by Hector in exchange for his belt.

Ajax II

After the son of Oileus, Ajax of Lokris, who was in the Trojan Horse line-up of 1184 BC, stole the Palladium (the sacred image of Pallas) from Athenas Temple and raped Cassandra at the altar, a very pissed-off Athena called on Zeus and Poseidon to kill that perverted little fuckwit.
Poseidon destroyed his fleet off the coast of Cape Caphareus, but Ajax Minor managed to survive and made it to the rock of Gyrae in injury time.
As the extra time ticked away, Little Ajax pushed his luck too far by shouting insults at the gods. The penalty shot by Poseidon, a thunderous bolt of lightning headed straight at the center of the goal, smashed his little rock to pieces and Ajax The Arrogant drowned in the sea.

Ouch! That hurts! The Great Ajax is a murderous Don Quichote, the lesser Ajax is a carbon copy of Patrick Kluivert. And our enemies of the Feyenoord and PSV discussion boards are lurking on this forum...

666, Ajax Orlando topic